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10th Science Guide Unit 23 Visual Communication

10th Science Guide Unit 23 Visual Communication

10th Standard Science Biology Lesson 23 Visual Communication Book Back Answers | Samacheer Kalvi Guide

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10th Science Guide Unit 23 Visual Communication


I. Choose the best answer

1. Which software is used to create animation ?

  1. Paint
  2. PDF
  3. MS Word
  4. Scratch

Ans ; Scratch

2. All files are stored in the __________.

  1. Folder
  2. box
  3. Pai
  4. scanner

Ans ; Folder

3. Which is used to build scripts?

  1. Script area
  2. Block palette
  3. stage
  4. sprite

Ans ; Script area

4. Which is used to edit programs?

  1. Inkscape
  2. script editor
  3. stage
  4. sprite

Ans ; Script editor

5. Where you will create category of blocks?

  1. Block palette
  2. Block menu
  3. Script area
  4. sprite

Ans ; Block menu

II. Match the Following

Script Area Type notes
Folder Animation software
Scratch Edit programs
Costume editor Store files
Notepad Build Scripts

Ans ; 1 – E, 2 – D, 3 – B, 4 – C, 5 – A

10th Science Guide Unit 23 Visual Communication

III. Answer the following

1. What is Scratch?

‘Scratch’ is a software used to create animations, cartoons and games easily. Scratch, on the other hand, is a visual programming language.

2. Write a short note on editor and its types?

The Scratch editor has three main parts:

Stage :

Stage is the background appearing when we open the scratch window.

Sprite :

The characters on the background of a Scratch window are known as Sprite.

Script editor / costume editor :

Where you edit your programs or your sprite’s pictures. It has three main parts:

  1. Script area : Where you build scripts.
  2. Block menu : Where you choose the category of blocks (programming statements) to use.
  • Block palette : Where you choose the block to use.

3. What is Stage?

Stage is the background appearing when we open the scratch window. The background will most often be white. You can change the background colour as you like.

4. What is Sprite?

The characters on the background of a Scratch window are known as Sprite. Usually a cat appears as a sprite when the Scratch window is opened. The software provides facilities to make alternations in sprite.

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