12th Chemistry Important Questions Unit 6 Solid State
TN 12th Chemistry Important Questions Unit 6 Solid State. 12th Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Transition And Inner Transition Elements +2 Chemistry Important 2 Marks, 12th Chemistry Important 3 Marks, Chemistry Important 5 Marks Questions Based on reduced Syllabus 2021-2022. 12th Free Online Test (MCQs). HSC 12th Chemistry Revision Test Important Questions. 12th Tamil Full Guide.
12th Chemistry Important Questions
Chapter 6 Solid State
12th Chemistry All Units Important Questions
- 1. Define unit cell
- 2. Give any three characteristics of ionic crystals.
- 3. Differentiate crystalline solids and amorphous solids.
- 4. Classify the following solids
a. P4 b. Brass c. diamond d. NaCl e.Iodine - 5. Explain briefly seven types of unit cell.
- 6. What are point defects?
- 7. Explain Schottky defect.
- 8. Write short note on metal excess and metal deficiency defect with an example.
- 9. Calculate the number of atoms in a fcc unit cell.
- 10. Why ionic crystals are hard and brittle?
- 11. Calculate the percentage efficiency of packing in case of body centered cubic crystal.
- 12. What is the two dimensional coordination number of a molecule in square close packed layer?
- 13. Experiment shows that Nickel oxide has the formula Ni0.96O1.00 . What fraction of Nickel exists as of Ni2+and Ni3+ions?
- 14. What is meant by the term “coordination number”? What is the coordination number of atoms in abcc structure?
- 15. An element has bcc structure with a cell edge of 288 pm. the density of the element is 7.2 gcm-2. how many atoms are present in 208g of the element.
- 16. Aluminium crystallizes in a cubic close-packed structure. Its metallic radius is 125pm. calculate the edge length of unit cell.
- 17. if NaCl is doped with 10-2 mol percentage of strontium chloride, what is the concentration of cation vacancy?
- 18. Atoms X and Y form bcc crystalline structure. Atom X is present at the corners of the cube and Y is at the centre of the cube. What is the formula of the compound?
- 19. Sodium metal crystallizes in bcc structure with the edge length of the unit cell 4.3 x 10-8cm. calculate the radius of sodiumatom.
- 20. Write a note on Frenkel defect.
- 21. Write about the General characteristics of solids
- 22. Give the outline of the classification of solids
- 23. Define Isotropy and anisotropy
- 24. Write about Ionic solids
- 25. Write about Characteristics of Ionic solids
- 26. What are primitive and non-primitive unit cells?
- 27. What are covalent solids?
- 28. Write about molecular solids
- 29. Write about Characteristics of covalent solids
- 30. Give the outline of the classification of molecular solids
- 31. What are Metallic solids?
- 32. Write about Characteristics of Metallic solids
- 33. Define Crystal lattice
- 34. What is the coordination number of the crystal.?
- 35. Define density of the Unit cell.
- 36. Explain the types of Unit cell
- 37. Explain the types of Primitive Unit cell
- 38. What is Bragg‟s equation? Give its significance
- 39. How will you calculate the density of the unit cell?
- 40. Define Packing efficiency
- 41. How will you calculate the packing efficiency for simple cubic arrangement?
- 42. Give the outline of various types of Point defects
- 43. What is Imperfection in solids and mention its uses
- 44. ZnO is colourless, but On heating, it becomes yellow in color. Why?
- 45. What is an impurity defect?